As a new client you can expect

We are a highly skilled team of Financial Planners, Paraplanners & Administrators who are dedicated to providing the best service possible to all of our clients, new or existing.

We build long lasting relationships by offering a truly bespoke service to each client we work with no matter the circumstances.

Our professional service is built around the 6 key stages of financial advice, which we have built into a clear 4 stages process:

  1. 1. Initial meeting

This initial meeting is at our own cost and takes place between yourself and your financial planner for as long as you need. This forms a key part of our financial advice process as it allows:

  • You to determine whether we are the right people to help you.
  • Us to determine whether we can make enough of a difference to your life to engage you as a client.

This is an informal discussion where you can be open and honest with what you need from your planner. We aim to find out as much about you as possible as this allows us to provide the best service we can and ensures the advice we give is applicable to your own financial circumstances.

It’s important that we:

  • Understand Your Personal and Financial Circumstances
  • Identify and Curate Your Goals
  • Analyse Your Current Financial Activities

This is the first step towards creating financial independence.

There are occasions where we may not be the right fit for each other, and you can be assured that there are no fees to pay at this point.

  1. 2. Presenting our Recommendations

Once we have established your current financial position with a view as to how we can improve this, we will begin to build a comprehensive financial plan designed around your goals. This is a holistic plan that will cover all areas of financial planning to not only justify and explain our recommendations, but also why we discounted alternative options.

Your planner will then present and explain our recommendations to you, through the following methods:

  • Fully bespoke Recommendation Report
  • Cashflow forecasting to show the impact of our recommendations over the long term
  • Illustrations
  • Fund research to back up our investment selections

The recommendations we produce are at our cost and we only begin to charge once you are completely satisfied we are delivering a service you would expect.

It is then up to you to decide if you would like to proceed.

  1. 3. Implementing your plan

Once you have agreed to proceed with our recommendations, we will begin to implement your financial plan with maximum efficiency. At this point, we begin to charge. We have a clearly defined initial fee of 2% of all new assets under advice up to a maximum of £5,000 per household. This is clearly defined within our service charter document, which would have been presented to you before this point.

You will have multiple touch points besides your adviser as you will be given a fully dedicated Administrator who you can contact at any time.

  1. 4. Ongoing servicing

This part of the advice process is all about monitoring your progress and making the necessary adjustments. We are continuously monitoring our clients plans to ensure they remain as suitable as possible. We charge a 1.00% ongoing fee, with any changes that need to be made to clients plans included within this fee. You will meet with your planner at least once a year for a formal review, along with multiple touch points throughout the year. We rely heavily on cash flow forecasting to keep track of where we are in relation to your goals and the impact our financial plan has on these.

We are to deliver our clients with genuine ‘value for money’. Here is an insight as to what is included within our ongoing fee:

  • Expertise and Knowledge: You receive specialised knowledge and expertise that we bring to financial planning
  • Innovative technology: The use of technology to produce the best outcomes for our clients. Examples of this are our cash flow planning tool and outsourcing our fund research to a dedicated team of experts, Rayner Spencer Mills (RSMR)
  • Individualised Advice: You receive personalised advice tailored to your unique circumstances and financial goals
  • Ongoing Monitoring: Your portfolio is continuously monitored and any adjustments to your plan are carried out as and when necessary
  • Access to Opportunities: We provide access to investment opportunities and strategies that may not be readily available to individual investors
  • Risk Management: We assist in managing financial risks, helping clients navigate market volatility and unexpected life events
  • Comprehensive Financial Planning: Beyond investment management, we offer services like retirement planning, tax optimisation, retirement, and estate planning
  • Regulatory Compliance: Your financial portfolio is adapted to meet the changes in regulatory compliance, industry standards, and ongoing education
  • Independent approach: We are not tied to any providers or products and can deliver unbiased and honest product recommendations that are genuinely suited to our clients
As an existing client you can expect

All of us at Blue Rose Wealth believe delivering great advice means understanding and meeting client expectations in many forms. We work hard to be there at the best and the worst of times, providing a constant presence of stability and trust whenever you need us.

We can summarise what you can expect from us as:

  • Comprehensive Financial Assessment: A detailed review of your financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and financial goals. This comes at our cost as we do not charge you anything until you have agreed to implement our financial recommendations.
  • Personalised Financial Plan: A bespoke financial plan tailored to the client’s specific needs, goals, and risk tolerance. This can include retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, risk management, Debt management etc.
  • Regular Reviews and touch points: Ongoing monitoring and review of your financial plan, with adjustments as needed to reflect changes in your circumstances or goals. We will meet annually for our formal ‘Annual Planning Meeting (APM)’.
  • Education and Communication: Clear and transparent communication about financial concepts, strategies, and the firm’s services/ fees, ensuring you fully understand your financial plan and feel confident in the decisions being made.
  • Value for money: We feel the fees we charge represent exceptional value for the service we provide. Our fees are clearly outlined within our service charter and are highly competitive within the marketplace for financial advice. We have implemented ‘decency caps’ to both our initial and ongoing fees to ensure our fees never exceed an amount that would not create they fair value to our clients.
  • Peace of mind: Our ultimate aim is to do all the hard financial work for you, therefore removing the stress and uncertainty often associated with money, enabling you to focus on what truly matters in your life. We find this creates a strong peace of mind with our clients.