Blue Rose Wealth is passionate about delivering first class service with anyone who encounters us. As a result, we have a list of promises and core values we look to uphold at all times.

Our Core Values:

Our promises:

  • We will never recommend an investment solution which benefits us. Your interests are at the forefront of what we do
  • We will take full responsibility for your financial planning, not just the assets under our management
  • We will never recommend in investment solution which has not been backed by intense due diligence
  • We will always listen to you, and return your calls, emails or messages promptly
  • We will never randomly change your Financial Planners. You will have a consistent journey with the same financial planner. You will also have a dedicated team to reach out to at all times
  • We will never treat you like a number; we are aware we are nothing without our clients, and always treat you as a valued client
  • We will clearly explain what we are recommending and why, and the pros and cons of our recommendations
  • We will never make promises we cannot keep. Furthermore, we will now promise you one thing and not fulfil this exactly as explained
  • We will be open and honest with you at all times
  • We will keep excellent records of your financial journey
  • We will not hide behind a faceless hierarchy
  • We will always strive to provide good value for money
  • We will never bombard you with jargon when it could easily be explained in plain language
  • We will never lock you into our services with exit penalties
  • We will clearly define all fees to you before any agreement has been reached